
Showing posts from July, 2017
Week 32 Changes in Practice. What has the Mindlab experience given me? When I reflect on my mindlab experience  I have to admit there were many times where I thought “What have I done?” and was often feeling I had taken on too much. There were many late nights and weekends at school working on assignments. On a personal level it was a massive commitment, I missed family outings and times of fun with my two children. On the flipside to these disadvantages of taking on the  extra commitment of study are the positives and rewards. So what have the benefits been for me? Awareness is what comes to mind, awareness of the future of teaching and learning. Osterman and Kottkamp quote that Awareness is essential for behavioural change     (2015) The mindlab experience has made me aware of the need to critique my teaching practice and to shape my pedagogy into a teacher of 21st century learners . I have been given the knowledge, empowerment, confid...

Week 31 Professional context crossing boundaries

Week 31 Professional context crossing boundaries. “The  interdisciplinary approach has become an important and challenging technique in the in the modern curriculum.  The interdisciplinary approach synthesizes more than one discipline and creates teams of teachers and students that enrich the overall educational experience” ( Casey Jones, 2010) One of the potential interdisciplinary connections from my map as my near future goal. I have chosen to focus on the upcoming COL (community of learning) which is starting to take shape for my school and others in the community. “ This learning community cluster includes three state primary schools, one state intermediate school, two state secondary schools and nine early childhood education providers” ( ) . If, like all things this is planned well I see a wealth of advantages for the children, parents...